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A Little More About Me

Meet Olga Dombrovska, a certified mindfulness instructor skillfully combining years of corporate experience in legal and financial services with a profound personal commitment to mindfulness and meditation. Over a decade ago, my mindfulness journey began, evolving into a daily practice enriched by continuous exploration.

My journey commenced more than 10 years ago, and since then, I have been dedicated to practicing on a daily basis. Actively seeking wisdom, I've visited ashrams, meditation centers and schools, integrating traditional practices with Western psychology and research for a holistic teaching approach. 

While I now focus on teaching mindfulness, this wasn’t always the case. In 2021, a big change happened when I moved from Dubai to Geneva. During this time, I faced challenges that made me search for balance, leading me to explore how the mind works and how mindfulness and neuroscience can be applied in daily life. This journey led me to successfully complete the 12-month MBCT-L teacher training program at the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, where I earned my certification, fully committing to mindfulness practices.

Today, my life is firmly devoted to mindfulness teaching, a departure from my previous corporate path. This shift reflects a profound commitment to helping others achieve balance and well-being through mindfulness practices.

Recently, I completed a certification as a Certified Creative Mindfulness for Kids Practitioner. This new qualification enhances my work on the Mindfulness for Kids project, Little Shambala Warriors, which I co-develop with my partner, fostering well-being across all ages. 

Also, I am passionate about using mindfulness to support individuals facing health challenges, and am currently studying Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for cancer patients

In addition to teaching mindfulness and meditation techniques, I actively incorporate these practices into my own life during both joyous moments and challenging times. Having experienced significant life changes, including moving to new countries, adapting to different cultures, changing careers, and navigating the complexities of pregnancy and parenting, mindfulness has been a constant support. It has played a crucial role during times of severe sickness, guiding me through difficulties with resilience and clarity.

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